Learning Objectives

  • Understand the different theories and actions about conflict resolution


People at work will inevitably disagree with each other at some time. Most people want to do what’s best for them and those around them. Often, conflicts arise from misunderstandings or different attitudes to general problem-solving.

These exercises will ensure you understand the theory and have reflected on this theme, so you can do the in-class exercises more effectively.


How to deal with workplace conflicts (10 minutes)

Goal: Understand tips that will help you to handle conflicts on day-to-day basis.

Watch the video “How to deal with workplace conflicts - Develop your personality and business skills”.

Conflict Resolution Curve (30 minutes)

Goal: Understand what is meant by Conflict Resolution

Read about the Conflict Resolution Curve on Wikipedia

Protective Factors (20 minutes)

Goal: Understand and reflect on your protective factors

  1. Read this text: “Protective Factors
  2. Answer the reflective questions.

Reflect on your own conflict experience (30 minutes)

Goal: Reflect on your conflict experience

Think of a time you have had a conflict with a work colleague.

Answer these questions in a Google Doc:

  1. Was there a misunderstanding of the facts?
  2. Have you learned different lessons from your experience which affected your views?
  3. Did either of you have a hidden agenda directly opposed to the other person?
  4. How did either of you try to resolve the conflict?
  5. What was the outcome?